Diseases of field crops and their management language. This plant is native to south america and has never been found uncultivated. A large number of diseases are known to be associated with groundnut crop, however, only some of them cause economic losses. Diseases of field crops and their management pdf book. This article describes in detail the major diseases of groundnut, its. Integrated disease management in groundnut agropedia. Crop rotation is very important in groundnut farming, this helps in efficient nutrient utilization and reduces soilborne diseases and nematodes.
Peanut groundnut diseases and pests, description, uses. Free outline of diseases of field crops and their management diseases of rice diseases of sorghum diseases of wheat diseases of pearlmillet diseases of maize diseases of sugarcane diseases of turmeric diseases of tobacco diseases of groundnut diseases of castor diseases. A manual on the most important pests and diseases of the major food crops grown by smallholder farmers in africa. Maize, sorghum, pearl millet or small grain crops can be grown following groundnut. The botanical name for groundnut, arachis hypogaea linn. The pathogen survive in plant debris in the soil, not necessarily from a groundnut crop. Soilborne conidia cause disease carry over from season to season.
Belatedly, alternaria alternata leaf spot is becoming increasingly important on rabisummer crop and also on kharif groundnut crop. The major virus diseases of groundnut are bud necrosis, clump, rosette, peanut stripe, and peanut mottle mp 1114. Groundnut, or peanut, is commonly called the poor mans nut. If disease is present, a rotation away from peanut for a period of 23 years is advised but is insufficient to control the disease completely. Introduction information and library network centre. The groundnut leaf spots early leaf spot and late leaf spot commonly called as tikka disease cause nearly complete defoliation and yield loss up to 50 per cent or more depending upon. Other fungal foliar diseases like anthracnose, leaf scorch, phomosis leaf spot, phyllosticta leaf spot, pestalotiopsis leaf spot, phoma leaf diseases, drechslera leaf blight, zonate leaf spot and cylindrocladium leaf spot are not economically important at present time. Peanut clump virus is transmitted by the fungus polymyxa graminis. Among viral diseases bud necrosis is the most destructive disease of groundnut in many groundnut growing areas of india and is potentially damaging in other countries.
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